Professional Expense Reimbursement

The Professional Expense Reimbursement Account (PER) can be used to pay for professional expenses including conference registrations, travel and accommodation, membership fees for professional and/or learned societies, journal subscriptions, to purchase a computer or software, and for other expenses.

PER Eligible Expenses:
The following expenses incurred by staff members are eligible for reimbursement.

  • Memberships in professional associations (excluding PMA memberships);
  • Registrations to conferences;
  • Course tuition (may be covered under Education Assistance Policy 6.7, please consult Human Resources);
  • Computer software and equipment (related to the staff member’s work);
  • Travel expenses related to professional development (transportation, accommodation,meals)
  • Subscriptions – (excluding newspapers), journals, books related directly to the individual’s role at Western;
  • Supplies (related to the staff member’s work) – ink cartridges, course textbooks, Internet access, etc.;
  • Equipment – computers, printers, scanners, monitors, electronic organizers, upgrades of Western owned equipment. Note: Equipment is eligible and remains the property of Western University. The equipment must be used primarily for work purposes. Personal use of equipment should be incidental, less than 10%. The reimbursement must purchase the equipment outright. There can be no financial contribution from the Member. Upgrades to personal computers are not eligible. Upgrades to University-owned computers are acceptable. Furniture is not eligible. Equipment receipts can only be submitted when there are sufficient funds in the Member’s PER account to cover the full cost of the equipment.

You can find information about using your PER for office furniture HERE.

Submit a PER Claim

Flex Credits for PMA Members

Making the best use of your Health Care Spending Account and your Professional Expense Reimbursement Account

In addition to many other benefits, Western provides Professional and Managerial Association (PMA) eligible members with two accounts that can be used to cover a wide variety of expenses. It also offers “Flex Credits” – funds to be allocated into either of the two accounts.

The deadline to allocate your $2,000 Flex Credit allocation for the next calendar year is November 30, 2025. If you do not actively choose where your Flex Credits will go, the default allocation is $2,000 credited to the PER, with no allocation to the HCSA. The allocation is irrevocable after the deadline has passed.