November 12, 2020ConnectEventsFall 2020

Connect – Fall 2020 – Committee Updates

PMA Committee Updates

Membership Engagement

By Grace Kelly

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Fall Decorating Contest by submitting pictures and voting.

Congratulations again to Cessandra, Theresa and Katrina!

To celebrate the holidays we will be hosting our first ever virtual Mingle & Jingle over the lunch hour on Thursday, December 17. While it might look a little different this year, there will be opportunities to connect with fellow PMA members, enjoy an exciting game of trivia and chances to win prizes! Stay tuned for registration information.

Prior to that we would like to send a little holiday cheer to our members. If you would like to receive a small gift, please use the following form to provide us with your mailing address.

Registration Form

Professional Development

By Lesley Oliver

The event featuring Dr. Andrew B. Campbell, “From Awareness to Action – Disrupting Anti-Black Racism” was very well attended in October 2020 and we received very good feedback on this session.  We had approximately 98 registered and 53 attended … 37 filled out our post event survey.

Many comments reflected an appreciation for Dr. Campbell’s energy, passion and knowledge.  Participants found the information relevant and meaningful with guidance to concrete plans / actions.  There was also feedback that the login was not smooth through Eventbrite so we will be looking into this for our next event and we also got some great recommendations for future PD events … some of them we are already working on!

Don’t forget PMA members that we have access to ongoing learning opportunities through:

Watch for several new PMA Professional Development sessions coming in the next few months including: Fatigue, Self-Care and Wellness Workshop; and a Leadership Workshop. More details coming soon.