News PMA BIPOC Network Western University thrives on promoting, recognizing, celebrating and engaging various voices across this beautiful…Oct 27, 2023Connect
News PMA MOA Amendment Update Dear Members, On behalf of the Negotiations Committee, we are pleased to inform you that Human Resources will begin…Oct 25, 2023ConnectNews
News PMA Flex Credit Allocation Deadline It’s a great Western benefit – $2,000 in Flex Credits for you to spend in 2024. The deadline to make your decision…Oct 5, 2023Connect
News PMA Dependents’ Tuition Scholarship Plan A reminder that the 2023-24 PMA Dependents’ Scholarship form is now available. The value of the annual benefit…Oct 2, 2023Connect
News PMA Retirement Gift Matching Program At the 2013 PMA Annual General Meeting the membership approved a motion to provide retiring members with a gift entitlement…Oct 2, 2023Connect